The Brunton ClinoMaster height meter/clinometers represent the highest quality in precision sensitivity and durability. The ClinoMaster can measure the height, angle and scope of almost anything readable from 0-90° and 0-150°, with estimations to 0.25°. A rugged, aluminum housing has inch and mm scales. It also features a tangent table for quick height measurement, useful distance conversions and a tripod adapter hole for inclination measurement using our tripod and monopod. Optional leather case available.
Brunton Clinomaster Clinometer Features
Accurate to +/- 1%, readings to +/-% using the precise lens
Rubber line for direct azimuth/bearing readings from the side- accurate to +/-2.5°
Sapphire jewel bearing inside a liquid dampened vial
Aluminum inclinometer card with precise scales for highly accurate sighting